Ace Your life Health and Well-Being Coaching

Welcome to Ace Your Life.  I'm Julie  Transform your Body and Empower your Life Weight Loss Coach.  I am passionate about helping you to reclaim your health.  I'm a Health Coach and Qualified Nurse specialising in weight loss.  Being overweight can be a debilitating condition that can lead you to being a shadow version of yourself.  There are things you used to be able to do but cannot do anymore because its too hard, you're too out of breath, you have no energy and it is having a detrimental affect on your life.  You know you are capable of more and want more.  You have tried every diet before but nothing has worked.  

That's because mainstream media and social conditioning lead us to believe that being overweight is easy to fix. If it was easy to fix why do we have a multi million pound dieting industry?  You start the diet all excited only to lose motivation and start eating in your old ways again.  Then you begin to feel guilty, inadequate and annoyed that you can't do it.  That's because you have weight loss blockers that are stopping you from losing weight or you lose the weight and then start to put it all back on again. What causes this?

What do I mean by weight loss blockers?  These are clear patterns that are stored in our subconscious mind that are sabotaging our weight loss efforts.

Once we unravel these weight loss blocker patterns we get rid of the disappointment and frustration you have experienced when it comes to reaching your weight loss goals and you are free to achieve your weight loss and regain your health.

We can eliminate cravings for foods and stress eating

An example of one of these weight loss blocking patterns is:-

There's a deep rooted subconscious belief that if you are successful then people won't like you.  They will be jealous of your success, they will be insecure around you and you will feel or be rejected. 

The thing is with this is the subconscious minds job is to keep you safe.  So the subconscious makes up these stories.  They are not true.  But it will absolutely convince you that they are true. 

Here are an example of a few weight loss blockers:-

  • Fear of not being liked if you are successful
  • Not feeling good enough or worthy enough so why even try?
  • Personal Space Limits.  The thought of having your personal body violated by another if you lose weight for example previous childhood trauma, sexual abuse.
  • Personal Body rejection.  Intense dislike of your own body.
  • Personal punishment.  Feeling guilty for a past behaviour.
  • Filling an emotional void with food.

Your subconscious mind and your conscious mind.  Your conscious mind is that part that is aware of what is going on around you... You use it to speak, walk and make conscious decisions. It processes about 40 bits of information per second. We are all aware of our conscious mind but it is responsible for controlling only about  5% of what we do.

The subconscious mind is the part of you that takes in everything around you without you even realising.  It stores information that you don't need straight away and it can process up to 11 million bits of information  per second!  Wow mind blowing!  The subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of what we do on a daily basis and we do it automatically.

The subconscious mind has so much more processing power than the conscious mind.  The subconscious mind is the leader and will always be in charge. 

So even though you decide consciously that you want to lose weight, your subconscious mind will always have the final say.  When you decide consciously that you want to lose weight you then start to rely on motivation.  Anyone who has ever previously been on a diet has realised that motivation runs out and is not an infinite resource.  That's when we run into problems and give up-the subconscious mind has taken over.

Are you starting to now connect the dots and see how this makes more sense? The subconscious mind has so much power over your weight loss?

I'm here to help you get to the root cause of your weight loss and reclaim your health.  Wouldn't it be great if you could free yourself of this burden forever and get off the weight loss dieting yoyo cycle?

How do we reprogramme your subconscious mind to allow the weight loss blocker to release?

After struggling with my own weight loss blockers I have created my own signature programme to help you release your weight loss blockers too. You will benefit from my years of training, personal experience and  professional experience so that you don't have to keep yourself stuck. 

This programme changes your software in your unconscious mind, identifies and removes all of your weight loss blockers and rewires your brain so that we can change your weight set point.  It releases the trauma that is holding you back from progressing.  This dosn't just affect your weight loss and your health it affects your whole life. 

I will teach you how to manage your cravings and emotional eating in real time, any time they arise and in any setting.

First of all we work on taking control of your

  • Inner cravings and reset the brain for dealing with these at any time.
  • Willpower we will get into the subconscious mind and rewire it to work effectively so that willpower and motivation become effortless.
  • Unlock the secrets to balancing your hormones and finding equilibrium.
  • Self sabotage. We work on diminishing it into the side-lines and it loses its power over you. I have some amazing techniques that will also stop you from sabotaging your relationships, career or anything else in your life.
  • Mind mastery personal power, you will be able to access this area to lose weight, make more money, to have  better relationships and have the confidence to go after your dreams.

I will also teach you how to:_

  • Put an end to emotional eating so that you can take back control even in the middle of a binge.
  • Get rid of 'Cleaning your plate'.  We will eliminate guilt associated with this.
  • Personal Space Limits this is where will delve into the subconscious fear that if you lose weight you will become more attractive and gain unwanted attention.  We will heal this so that you feel safe.
  • Formative years embedded experiences.   The subconscious mind may have stored information that you cant even remember about food and comfort and made associations to fill a void.  We will delve into this and eliminate it.
  • Connection to your authentic self.  Mastering the art of not disconnecting to what your body really wants and is craving. Finding food freedom.
  • Mastering the inner game and maintaining weight loss success.

All of the above maybe your weight loss blockers or you may only have one.  Either way we will work on eliminating it.

Call Julie on for a FREE consultation 07547 741 117

I'm a Health Coach (Level 5 Diploma and registered with The UK International Federation of Health Coaches) Master Life Coach, Psychology of Eating Coach and I hold qualifications in NLP,  Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy as well as having an Advanced Nutrition Diploma and Mindful Eating Diploma and I'm a qualified Nurse (RGN) Basically I've studied to get these qualifications because its been my passion to help men and women unlock their weight loss blockers, lose weight and regain their health and ultimately change their lives.  

My main aim is to help you get back to being the person you once were or to become the person you have always wanted to be! You can be the very best version of you.  So that you can go out and give yourself to the world and live a life of fulfilment and happiness. How good does that sound?

Are you fed up of saying to yourself  'I want to get back to being me' 'I want to feel myself again.' 'I want to have a better body.' 'I want my health back.' 'I want more energy?' Fed up of feeling frazzled and at the end of your tether?

How good would it feel to get to be the best version of you? What would your life look like if you did it? What would you love to do? How would your life change?

Uncovering your weigh loss blockers is the foundation of any successful weight loss programme in my opinion.  All weight loss programmes work but they all fail too! That's because they havn't got to the root cause of why the weight was gained in the first place and why the weight isn't being lost.

Being overweight can affect everything we do on a daily basis.  Its so frustrating knowing you want to lose weight and feeling like you don't know where to start or that you're fed up and tired of spending money on weight loss programmes that don't work.

I help men and women who are stressed out, over-weight, struggling to lose it and cant seem to find balance in their lives. I help them to reclaim their health and well-being and become the successful person they want to be. 


I am The Transform Your Body and Empower Your Life Weight Loss Coach.  The Coach that helps you get back to being you again.    

Here is your weight loss journey to success and it starts with a simple phone call. 

Call Julie on 07547 741 114 for a FREE chat.  This session will help you to get clear on your health goals and motivate you forwards.  

Hi. I'm Julie.

The Transform Your Body and Empower Your Life Weight Loss  Coach 

What people are saying:

Julie really helped me to find my own solutions and to make changes for myself.  She has a lovely manner which really puts you at ease. 

Julie W

This was an uplifting experience for me. Julie guided me through some issues I have been having and brought me to a new stance  of thinking and living. 

Evelyn D

I have come a long way in such a short time with reducing my sugary food intake.  Thank you to my coach Julie who gave me lots of valuable insights support and guidance with making this transition. 

Karen R

I really enjoyed working with Julie.  She was very professional and helped me with my Well-being Plan.


I went to Julie with some real challenges. I had no structure to my day and the management of my problems was pretty much non-existent. I now have a really big kit bag of tools to help me with the obstacles I come across daily.  This course has been invaluable and I would urge anyone with any life issues to let Julie help you find your way. 

Amanda H

My Approach

I can help you identify and eliminate weight loss blockers and take the steps forwards into reclaiming your health back.  My approach is holistic and gets to the root cause.  Most of the clients I work with come to me in desperation and exasperation. They are at their wits end feeling frazzled and  pulled in all directions. Can't concentrate and feel like they are failing at life. (They are definately not failing they just havn't found the right key to the door yet!)

My signature programme focuses on identifying and eliminating your weight loss blocks.  It's a transformational program that moves you forward in all areas of your life.  It can even ultimately help you decide on your career path or whether you want to travel the world!  It's such an empowering program. 

As your Health Coach I will move you forward with this success formula.  It will give you structure and support on tough days!  We all get them, we are not robots and those tough days can quickly derail all of your good intentions and push you back to square one.  I have a formula for dealing with those curveballs and kickling them out of your way! 

I'll be here to support you through the tough days and the days where you feel like its all too much but you still have to do the work.  After all who wants to go through a transformational program and not be transformed into the best version of themselves?

Areas of Expertise

Health and Life Coaching

Health and Life are interwoven if one is out of balance it affects the other.  Life coaching is a fundamental part of the health success formula for regaining your optimal health. 

You have a winning formula if you have a coach that is trained in both. 

'There comes a time when we have to stop pulling people out of the river and go upstream and stop them falling in.'

Dr Desmond Tutu

Knowledge and Research

Would you trust someone with your health that hadn't studied the latest research around health and the realtionship around hormone balancing and weight loss effectively? I'm guessing not.  You want a coach that is knowledgeable and consitent with the latest proven research that will lead you to success. I have been involved in research for 20 years on the subject of health.   I strive to be knowledgeable and back it up with researched evidence. 

I am an evidenced based coach. 

Time Line Therapy & Hypnotherapy.

Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy are therapies that are complimentary to your success formula.  They are successful and proven to work, to get you through roadblocks and obstacles and help you get into balance and are particularly useful in aiding restful sleep.

They are extremely successful therapies for bringing the body and mind into alignment and aiding sleep.

You would always want your coach to be thoroughly trained in how to use these therapies correctly as they are powerful tools. 

Excellent coaching makes an excellent you.